
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Wines from the Wine Chateau: Casa Lapostolle Cuvee Alexandre Chardonnay 2009

Earlier this month we received a few wines from the Wine Chateau, and the Casa Lapostolle Cuvee Alexandre Chardonnay 2009 (onsale now for $13.97) was the first we opened. The wine comes from the
Casablanca Valley in Chile, specifically the Lapostolle Atalayas Vineyard. The winery is now excluselively owned by the Marnier-Lapostolle family - of Grand Marnier liqueur fame - as well as the Château de Sancerre in the Loire Valley. The expanded into Chile by purchasing a vineyard populated by ungrafted old vines that were protected from Phylloxera by the Andes Mountains. Or so they say.

The vineyard expanded over time and now includes Chardonnay which is responsible for 100% of the Cuvee Alexandre. The wine starts with pear and which leads to a tasty vanilla and apple flavor ending with a creamy finish. The oak enhances the fruit without over shadowing it and does not contribute the over-extracted buttery character that I truly distaste. This is a very nice wine, and with this sale price - an extreme bargain. Cheers.

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