Showing posts with label Google Mapping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google Mapping. Show all posts

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Google Mapping: To Cluster or Not to Cluster

I've been making progress with the Android version of the WineCompass mobile application and have implemented the major search features - by location, zip code, and state. Each establishment is display on a Google map with its marker corresponding to its category - winery, brewery, and distillery.  The last major decision I need to make is how to show markers for populous states such as California, Oregon, and Washington.  Should I just map each location as in Figure 1? Or is that too busy and instead, should I implement clusters, where clicking on a particularly cluster zooms the mapping coordinates to that location? See Figure 2. Once again I would appreciate your thoughts.

Figure 1.
Figure 2.

Update: Based on a wise suggestion, I am creating a preference so that a user can select which option they prefer, cluster or marker:


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Going Mobile at WineCompass

Figure 1
When not sipping and writing, my daily occupation is a software developer at Segue Technologies. As we all know, the technology industry is constantly evolving and in order for developers to stay relevant, they must continually upgrade their abilities. I've tried to stay relevant by building demo applications that interest me.  WineCompass was the result of learning Microsoft's .Net platform a decade ago and MyJoog was the result of becoming competent with the DotNetNuke CMS.  My current employer has recognized the popularity of mobile application development and is moving several .net-centric developers to that sphere - me included. I chose the Android path and naturally decided to augment my training by building a mobile version of the WineCompass website.

Figure 2
Initially I created several views and activities in order to understanding the basic Android programming functionality, including incorporating Google mapping. Currently there are three basic activities, search for companies by state, by zip code, or by current geo-location. The results are populating in either a list view or plotted on a Google map - see Figure 1. Each marker contains an InfoWindow that when clicked navigates to the Company Info screen (Figure 2).

In order for any application to be successful, it must satisfy client or consumer expectations. That's the purpose of this post and below are a few questions to those who would utilize this type of application.  Any suggestions by comment or email would be helpful. Thanks and cheers.
  1. What functionality do you expect from a mobile application?
  2. What search parameters are most important (location, zip code, state, products)?
  3. What company information would you like displayed in Figure 2? 
  4. What social networking functionality would suit your needs?